Monthly Newsletter October

FDA To Update Definition of ‘Healthy’ Claims

In the world of ever-evolving regulations, the latest major notation is the adjustment to the definition of “healthy” just proposed by FDA. The foundation of this concerns the application of “implied” Nutrient Content Claims. This opens the door to interpretation, and therein lies the challenge, as many of us have had or continue to have to deal with.

Notably, the term “healthy” would not apply to Dietary Supplements. The reasons for this lie in the structure of the requirements and the specifics that identify the types of products to which “healthy” may be applied. In 1990 with the passage of the Nutrition Labeling Education Act (NLEA), there was no recognition at the time of any benefit derived from Dietary Supplements, which set the stage for the debate that ultimately resulted in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).

This narrowed definition, in effect is essentially equivalent to the FDA stepping back in time to 1990 and regulating on the premise that Dietary Supplements have nothing to do with health, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

REJIMUS Booth #4981 at SupplySide West 2022

Our expanded and growing team as well as new partners will be at SSW 2022 this year in Vegas. To schedule a meeting or free consult, contact us!

Welcome to ClaimsBae™

Our search friendly ClaimsBae™ Database, is unlike any other studies and claims finder tool available on the market today for Dietary Supplements. For product development, formulation development, and marketing, we built in central tool to find pre-qualified claims matched to qualified studies and more!
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Facility Design Compliance

REJIMUS offers a robot team-driven approach to ensuring operational compliance of manufacturing and laboratory facilities from design phase through build-out of food ingredients and related finished products.
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Other News

Join REJIMUS at the 14th Annual Food Quality Symposium and making some networking waves with key industry stakeholders. What does your 2023 regulatory strategy look like, or do you even have one?

Brandon Griffin, CEO